Thursday, June 19, 2008

what to do with a wiki?

I enjoyed Lee le Fever's video on Wikis, especially because I recently arranged a simple night out with two other people and it took a huge number of emails. It is interesting that his approach to the way to use wikis seems quite different to the way wikis are actually used. He takes a simpler approach that may just be for the sake of example.

In terms of the State Library I can see wikis being used to highlight events and new resources. They could also be used to gather information about items in our collections such as we've seen with other organisations asking people to add info about photos. Their could be a role for wikis (heavily moderated) as a way of recommending resources for various collections (such as Infocus) and specialised websites.


This photo is titled teamwork and concentration posted on Flickr by true2leo on June 10, 2008. I chose this image because it is cute and it shows kids helping each other in a situation where they might not all get immediate benefit but they are still working together. I don't mean this in a cynical way. However sometimes at work we must do things for the organisation where we may not see immediate benefit for ourselves or in our own work. I've had a bit of a day like that today and I thought this picture illustrated the point nicely. Some days at work I feel buzzy and great! Today I feel a bit like I'm pushing along, getting there slowly. With the help of others I will get there, with my help they will get there too.

great blog

I know it's not library related but a friend referred me to a great blog. It is It has left me feeling all warm and fuzzy.
I don't live in Newtown but I did once and I have a fondness for the place. This blog creates a feeling of community. I know that some libraries and cultural institutions are using blogs to create virtual communities so there is a connection...